In Class:
Discussed review work on metrics, matter, and chemistry. Passed out packets.
Discussed lab safety and handed out lab safety guidelines and contract.
Worked on lab safety packets and discussed lab safety demos.
Quickly reviewed lab safety symbols - more will come tomorrow.
If absent:
Get copy of safety guidelines, safety contract, safety symbols, safety packet, metrics packet, chemistry packet, and lab safety with MSDS.
Finish unfinished portion of pages 1-3 on lab safety packet.
Go to this NFPA Chemical Hazard Label website and prepare yourself for a quiz tomorrow.
Study the 4 categories: location on diamond, colors, and definitions.
Understand how the numbers relate to the level of hazard.
Chemistry packet due Wednesday Next week - #'s 1-12 & 17-18
pages- 18-26 & 30-32
Chemical Basis of Life (required)
Chemical Bonds: Ionic vs. Covalent (optional)
Acids, Bases and pH (optional)
Metrics packet due Friday next week
NFPA Chemical Hazard Label Quiz
Cover additional Lab Safety Symbols
MSDS Sheets
Lab Equipment
Practice using remote answering system for assessments