In Class:
Discussed different Classes of Carbs
Worked on Carbs Case Study about Gas
If Absent:
Get Handouts and work on case study
Read and study entire section on carbohydrates
Finish Multiple Choice Questions and Food Label Questions
Skip Multiple Choice #10 and 11
Fill in notes sheet portion discussing carbohydrates
Recall that large complex sugars (aka polysaccharides - starch and cellulose) are to large to simply pass through the cell membrane, therefore they must be broken down through hydrolysis by enzymes. If by chance these enzymes are not present (or in small numbers) in your intestines, then microscopic organisms in your large intestine use the undigested complex sugars as food. The resulting breakdown of the complex sugar during cellular respiration will release gas, thus resulting in intestinal irritation and flatchulence.
Next Time:
More on Carbs and Gas
Lipids - review lipid material